#Banking #Assetmanagement #Cloud #Migration

Background & challenges

In 2019, BNP Paribas plans to use the IBM Cloud solution hosted in data centers dedicated to the bank. In line with its Cloud strategy, and in order to ensure the security of its customers' data, BNP Paribas will not put any customer data or production environments carrying sensitive data in the Public Cloud. BNP AM, the Group's asset management arm, is committed to migrating all its applications to this cloud architecture by the end of 2023.

For BNP, this project had several objectives:

  • Enabling the bank to become more agile
  • Ensuring the performance of its information systems
  • Meeting safety requirements
  • Improve the " Time to Market" of new digital applications and services
  • Cost reduction

The project is both technically complex in terms of migrating each application to the cloud, especially bearing in mind the deadlines, and organizationally complex with several IT, business and support teams. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the production and evolution of these applications, in order to guarantee the operational continuity of the business.

Against this backdrop, BNP AM asked Quanteam to help it define and implement a migration policy for several of its applications:

  • Study of a batch of existing applications
  • Stop migration strategy for each application
  • Implementation
  • Consulting and training
  • DEVOPS integration through to delivery

Solution provided

Based on our experience with similar cloud migration projects, we worked on the following steps:

  1. Studies of existing applications

Most of the migrated applications use Java, .NET, Angular, Spark and Python technologies.
The aim here is to identify functionality, dependencies, current performance and resource requirements, in order to determine the best approach to adopt.


  1. Stopping a migration strategy

Depending on the application and technology, several approaches are possible. A first approach involves simply transferring existing applications and data from an on-premises environment to the cloud, without making any significant changes to architecture or code. This enables rapid and relatively straightforward migration, but may not take full advantage of the cloud's flexibility and scalability. Another approach is to rewrite or modify code to take advantage of native cloud services, which can improve performance and reduce costs in the long term. Other approaches are also possible.


  1. Participation in development

Planning and estimating development time

Make the necessary changes to applications to enable migration to the cloud.

Ensuring best practices.

Modify the architecture of certain applications (microservices)


  1. Board

Provide training for development teams and product owners.

Acquire a cross-functional, expert role to help and advise other teams


  1. Integration into the DEVOPS chain

Integration into the continuous integration chain

Test automation

Deployment on Kubernetes/helm

Customer benefits:

Firstly, our technical expertise enabled us to quickly assess existing applications, identify potential problems and recommend appropriate strategies for a successful and timely migration.

Our experience in carrying out IT projects enabled us to draw up a detailed migration plan, identifying the necessary stages, before finally carrying out the migration in a series of deliveries in agile mode.

We then worked with the customer to reduce the risks involved. Indeed, migrating an application is a complex task that involves risks, such as data loss, unplanned downtime or performance problems.

Migration to the cloud has also enabled us to optimize performance. In fact, we made every effort to optimize the application's performance on the new target platform. This may include adjustments to code, architecture and configurations to ensure that the application runs smoothly and quickly in its new environment.

Finally, the migration has also generated significant long-term cost savings, not only by optimizing the use of cloud resources, but also by avoiding unnecessary costs by switching to lower-cost technologies.

Quanteam expertise makes the difference

  • Strong project management experience
  • Proven experience in migration projects
  • Experience on complex projects with multiple stakeholders and editors
  • A tried and tested comitology

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