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photo rainbow partners academy, integration, new arrivals, quanteam
Rainbow Partners Academy: Welcome to our October newcomers 2560 1920 Quanteam

Rainbow Partners Academy: Welcome to our October newcomers

In early October, the Rainbow Partners Group and Quanteam launched the #RainbowPartnersAcademy to provide a friendly onboarding experience for new employees of the group and its firms....

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Note Quant - Optimizing the Trading Cost in presence of Market Impact 1000 938 Quanteam

Note Quant - Optimizing the Trading Cost in presence of Market Impact

This note of a few pages proposes a first confrontation between Deep Learning and computational finance through the pricing of vanilla options by neural networks.

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Basel IV reform - How can we successfully implement this reform in the banking sector? 2000 1333 Quanteam

Basel IV reform - How can we successfully implement this reform in the banking sector?

The Basel IV reform is the 4th edition of the risk-reduction package designed by the Basel Committee to reduce risk in the banking sector.

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Machine Learning applications in Market Finance - Theory and Feedback 1819 1025 Quanteam

Machine Learning applications in Market Finance - Theory and Feedback

The aim of artificial intelligence is to have computers perform tasks that require human intelligence.

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Note Quant - Regulatory requirements: governance and modeling of credit risk parameters 1920 1357 Quanteam

Note Quant - Regulatory requirements: governance and modeling of credit risk parameters

The aim of this note is to analyze the regulatory requirements on credit risk to show the fundamental modeling points to which supervisors are now paying close attention.

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The challenges of Machine Learning in Banking and Finance - A transformation that is both technical and cultural 2560 1815 Quanteam

The challenges of Machine Learning in Banking and Finance - A transformation that is both technical and cultural

A new and emerging market, thanks in particular to the development of Big Data, Machine Learning has rapidly conquered the largest High-Tech companies, but has yet to prove itself in many other sectors.

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Initial Margin modeling and its application to CVA 2560 1707 Quanteam

Initial Margin modeling and its application to CVA

The aim of the article is to implement stochastic modeling to take into account MI dynamics throughout the simulation dates.

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What does the job of Consultant Manager involve? 2560 1707 Quanteam

What does the job of Consultant Manager involve?

Being a Consultant Manager at Quanteam means having a dual role: carrying out a project for one of our customers and playing an active part in the firm's development.

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The era of Big Data and its challenges - Some examples of applications in Finance and Insurance 2560 1695 Quanteam

The era of Big Data and its challenges - Some examples of applications in Finance and Insurance

Big Data, Smart Data, Open Data... there's a lot of buzz around data, and rightly so, because the way we access and use data is going to revolutionize the business world.

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Michaël talks about his career at Quanteam 2560 1704 Quanteam

Michaël talks about his career at Quanteam

As a Consultant Manager with Quanteam for the past 9 years, Michaël has worked on a variety of projects within the company: from developer to project owner, then project management and finally team management.

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